6.24. Attr-2.4.47

The attr package contains utilities to administer the extended attributes on filesystem objects.

Approximate build time: less than 0.1 SBU
Required disk space: 4.2 MB

6.24.1. Installation of Attr

Modify the documentation directory so that it is a versioned directory:

sed -i -e 's|/@pkg_name@|&-@pkg_version@|' include/builddefs.in

6.24.2. 32-bit Installation

Prepare Attr for 32-bit compilation:

./configure --prefix=/usr \
    --bindir=/bin         \
    --libdir=/usr/lib32   \
    CC="gcc -m32"

Compile the package:


The tests need to be run on a filesystem that supports extended attributes such as the ext2, ext3, or ext4 filesystems. The tests are also known to fail if running multiple simultaneous tests (-j option greater than 1). To test the results, issue:

make -j1 tests root-tests

Install the package:

make install install-dev install-lib
chmod -v 755 /usr/lib32/libattr.so

The shared library needs to be moved to /lib32, and as a result the .so file in /usr/lib32 will need to be recreated:

mv -v /usr/lib32/libattr.so.* /lib32
ln -sfv ../../lib32/$(readlink /usr/lib32/libattr.so) /usr/lib32/libattr.so

Clean up the build directory before moving on to the next platform:

make clean

6.24.3. x32 ABI Installation

Prepare Attr for x32 ABI compilation:

./configure --prefix=/usr \
    --bindir=/bin         \
    --libdir=/usr/libx32  \
    CC="gcc -mx32"

Compile the package:


The tests need to be run on a filesystem that supports extended attributes such as the ext2, ext3, or ext4 filesystems. The tests are also known to fail if running multiple simultaneous tests (-j option greater than 1). To test the results, issue:

make -j1 tests root-tests

Install the package:

make install install-dev install-lib
chmod -v 755 /usr/libx32/libattr.so

The shared library needs to be moved to /libx32, and as a result the .so file in /usr/libx32 will need to be recreated:

mv -v /usr/libx32/libattr.so.* /libx32
ln -sfv ../../libx32/$(readlink /usr/libx32/libattr.so) /usr/libx32/libattr.so

Clean up the build directory before moving on to the next platform:

make clean

6.24.4. 64-bit Installation

Prepare Attr for 64-bit compilation:

./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin

Compile the package:


The tests need to be run on a filesystem that supports extended attributes such as the ext2, ext3, or ext4 filesystems. The tests are also known to fail if running multiple simultaneous tests (-j option greater than 1). To test the results, issue:

make -j1 tests root-tests

Install the package:

make install install-dev install-lib
chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/libattr.so

The shared library needs to be moved to /lib, and as a result the .so file in /usr/lib will need to be recreated:

mv -v /usr/lib/libattr.so.* /lib
ln -sfv ../../lib/$(readlink /usr/lib/libattr.so) /usr/lib/libattr.so

6.24.5. Contents of Attr

Installed programs: attr, getfattr, and setattr
Installed library: libattr.{a,so}
Installed directories: /usr/include/attr and /usr/share/doc/attr-2.4.47

Short Descriptions


Extends attributes on filesystem objects


Gets the extended attributes of filesystem objects


Sets the extended attributes of filesystem objects


Contains the libbrary functions for manipulating extended attributes