6.45. Perl-5.20.2

The Perl package contains the Practical Extraction and Report Language.

Approximate build time: 6.5 SBU
Required disk space: 301 MB

6.45.1. Installation of Perl

First create a basic /etc/hosts file to be referenced in one of Perl's configuration files as well as the optional test suite:

echo " localhost $(hostname)" > /etc/hosts

Perl does not, by default, know about library directories with names other than lib, The following patch will allow it to install to other directories:

patch -Np1 -i ../perl-5.20.2-Configure_multilib-2.patch

Back up the hints/linux.sh and cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/config.in files so they can be reset between platforms:

cp -v hints/linux.sh hints/linux.sh.bak
cp -v cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/config.in cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/config.in.bak

6.45.2. 32-bit Installation

This version of Perl now builds the Compress::Raw::Zlib and Compress::Raw::BZip2 modules. By default Perl will use an internal copy of the sources for the build. Issue the following command so that Perl will use the libraries installed on the system:

export BUILD_ZLIB=False
export BUILD_BZIP2=0

There is a further (possibly cosmetic) anomaly - if we install perl and then run perl -V it will claim that libc is in /lib. The following sed fixes this, but only takes effect when make install is run:

sed -i "/libc/s@/lib@/lib32@" hints/linux.sh

We still need to tell perl to actually use lib32:

echo 'installstyle="lib32/perl5"' >>hints/linux.sh

To have full control over the way Perl is set up, you can remove the -des options from the following command and hand-pick the way this package is built. Alternatively, use the command exactly as below to use the defaults that Perl auto-detects:

sh Configure -des -Dprefix=/usr                 \
                  -Dvendorprefix=/usr           \
                  -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 \
                  -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 \
                  -Dpager="/usr/bin/less -isR"  \
                  -Dlibpth="/usr/local/lib32 /lib32 /usr/lib32" \
                  -Dcc="gcc -m32" \

The meaning of the configure options:


This ensures perl knows how to tell packages where they should install their perl modules.

-Dpager="/usr/bin/less -isR"

This ensures that less is used instead of more.

-Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3

Since Groff is not installed yet, Configure thinks that we do not want man pages for Perl. Issuing these parameters overrides this decision.


Build a shared libperl needed by some perl modules.

-Dlibpth="/usr/local/lib32 /lib32 /usr/lib32"

This tells Perl to link against the 32-bit libraries.

Compile the package:


To test the results (approximately 2.5 SBU), issue:

make -k test

Install the package and clean up:

make install

Add a suffix to the perl binary which will be used by the multiarch wrapper:

mv -v /usr/bin/perl{,-32}
mv -v /usr/bin/perl5.20.2{,-32}

Clean up the build directory and restore the hints/linux.sh and cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/config.in files before moving on to the next platform:

make distclean
cp -v hints/linux.sh.bak hints/linux.sh
cp -v cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/config.in.bak cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/config.in

6.45.3. x32 ABI Installation

This version of Perl now builds the Compress::Raw::Zlib and Compress::Raw::BZip2 modules. By default Perl will use an internal copy of the sources for the build. Issue the following command so that Perl will use the libraries installed on the system:

export BUILD_ZLIB=False
export BUILD_BZIP2=0

There is a further (possibly cosmetic) anomaly - if we install perl and then run perl -V it will claim that libc is in /lib. The following sed fixes this, but only takes effect when make install is run:

sed -i "/libc/s@/lib@/libx32@" hints/linux.sh

We still need to tell perl to actually use libx32:

echo 'installstyle="libx32/perl5"' >>hints/linux.sh

To have full control over the way Perl is set up, you can remove the -des options from the following command and hand-pick the way this package is built. Alternatively, use the command exactly as below to use the defaults that Perl auto-detects:

sh Configure -des -Dprefix=/usr                 \
                  -Dvendorprefix=/usr           \
                  -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 \
                  -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 \
                  -Dpager="/usr/bin/less -isR"  \
                  -Dlibpth="/usr/local/libx32 /libx32 /usr/libx32" \
                  -Dcc="gcc -mx32" \

The meaning of the configure options:


This ensures perl knows how to tell packages where they should install their perl modules.

-Dpager="/usr/bin/less -isR"

This ensures that less is used instead of more.

-Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3

Since Groff is not installed yet, Configure thinks that we do not want man pages for Perl. Issuing these parameters overrides this decision.


Build a shared libperl needed by some perl modules.

-Dlibpth="/usr/local/libx32 /libx32 /usr/libx32"

This tells Perl to link against the x32 ABI libraries.

Compile the package:


To test the results (approximately 2.5 SBU), issue:

make -k test

Install the package and clean up:

make install

Add a suffix to the perl binary which will be used by the multiarch wrapper:

mv -v /usr/bin/perl{,-x32}
mv -v /usr/bin/perl5.20.2{,-x32}

Clean up the build directory and restore the hints/linux.sh and cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/config.in files before moving on to the next platform:

make distclean
cp -v hints/linux.sh.bak hints/linux.sh
cp -v cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/config.in.bak cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/config.in

6.45.4. 64-bit Installation

This version of Perl now builds the Compress::Raw::Zlib and Compress::Raw::BZip2 modules. By default Perl will use an internal copy of the sources for the build. Issue the following command so that Perl will use the libraries installed on the system:

export BUILD_ZLIB=False
export BUILD_BZIP2=0

To have full control over the way Perl is set up, you can remove the -des options from the following command and hand-pick the way this package is built. Alternatively, use the command exactly as below to use the defaults that Perl auto-detects:

sh Configure -des -Dprefix=/usr                 \
                  -Dvendorprefix=/usr           \
                  -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 \
                  -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 \
                  -Dpager="/usr/bin/less -isR"  \

The meaning of the configure options:


This ensures perl knows how to tell packages where they should install their perl modules.

-Dpager="/usr/bin/less -isR"

This ensures that less is used instead of more.

-Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3

Since Groff is not installed yet, Configure thinks that we do not want man pages for Perl. Issuing these parameters overrides this decision.


Build a shared libperl needed by some perl modules.

Compile the package:


To test the results (approximately 2.5 SBU), issue:

make -k test

Install the package and clean up:

make install

Add a suffix to the perl binary which will be used by the multiarch wrapper:

mv -v /usr/bin/perl{,-64}
mv -v /usr/bin/perl5.20.2{,-64}

Now we need to create a link to the multiarch wrapper that lets us choose which perl installation to use:

ln -sv multiarch_wrapper /usr/bin/perl
ln -sv multiarch_wrapper /usr/bin/perl5.20.2

The value of the USE_ARCH environment variable will decide which perl binary to execute. USE_ARCH=32 perl -V:cc will give the value of CC used to build the 32bit perl. The multiarch_wrapper will help later with building perl extensions and bindings. Without the multiarch_wrapper it is very hard to setup a 32bit extension or binding.

6.45.5. Contents of Perl

Installed programs: a2p, c2ph, config_data, corelist, cpan, cpan2dist, cpanp, cpanp-run-perl, enc2xs, find2perl, h2ph, h2xs, instmodsh, json_pp, libnetcfg, perl, perl5.20.2 (link to perl), perlbug, perldoc, perlivp, perlthanks (link to perlbug), piconv, pl2pm, pod2html, pod2latex, pod2man, pod2text, pod2usage, podchecker, podselect, prove, psed (link to s2p), pstruct (link to c2ph), ptar, ptardiff, ptargrep, s2p, shasum, splain, xsubpp, and zipdetails
Installed libraries: Several hundred which cannot all be listed here
Installed directory: /usr/lib/perl5

Short Descriptions


Translates awk to Perl


Dumps C structures as generated from cc -g -S


Queries or changes configuration of Perl modules


A commandline frontend to Module::CoreList


Interact with the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) from the command line


The CPANPLUS distribution creator


The CPANPLUS launcher


Perl script that is used to enable flushing of the output buffer after each write in spawned processes


Builds a Perl extension for the Encode module from either Unicode Character Mappings or Tcl Encoding Files


Translates find commands to Perl


Converts .h C header files to .ph Perl header files


Converts .h C header files to Perl extensions


Shell script for examining installed Perl modules, and can even create a tarball from an installed module


Converts data between certain input and output formats


Can be used to configure the libnet Perl module


Combines some of the best features of C, sed, awk and sh into a single swiss-army language


A hard link to perl


Used to generate bug reports about Perl, or the modules that come with it, and mail them


Displays a piece of documentation in pod format that is embedded in the Perl installation tree or in a Perl script


The Perl Installation Verification Procedure; it can be used to verify that Perl and its libraries have been installed correctly


Used to generate thank you messages to mail to the Perl developers


A Perl version of the character encoding converter iconv


A rough tool for converting Perl4 .pl files to Perl5 .pm modules


Converts files from pod format to HTML format


Converts files from pod format to LaTeX format


Converts pod data to formatted *roff input


Converts pod data to formatted ASCII text


Prints usage messages from embedded pod docs in files


Checks the syntax of pod format documentation files


Displays selected sections of pod documentation


Command line tool for running tests against the Test::Harness module


A Perl version of the stream editor sed


Dumps C structures as generated from cc -g -S stabs


A tar-like program written in Perl


A Perl program that compares an extracted archive with an unextracted one


A Perl program that applies pattern matching to the contents of files in a tar archive


Translates sed scripts to Perl


Prints or checks SHA checksums


Is used to force verbose warning diagnostics in Perl


Converts Perl XS code into C code


Displays details about the internal structure of a Zip file